G. Williams
Campus Box 672
1704 Weeksville Road
Elizabeth City State University
Elizabeth City, NC 27909
(252) 202-3384 kgwilliams@mail.ecsu.edu
To obtain all the necessary skills
to pursue degrees leading to a master’s
degree in the area of remote sensing.
Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth
City, NC
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2006
Major: Computer Science
Minor: GIS/Remote Sensing
GPA: 3.5/4.0
May 23 - July 22, 2005 NOAA Center
for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat
Research; Beaufort, NC
-- NOAA EPP Intern; Mentors- Dr. Jud
Kentworthy and Don Field
-- Project- "Mapping Sea grass
in North Carolina's Core and Bogue
Sound using Remote Sensing"
January-April 2005 Elizabeth City
State University; Elizabeth City, NC
-- Geology Research Team; Mentor- Dr.
Lloyd Mitchell
-- Generated a database of seismic
activity for Mt. St Helens for the
year 2004
May 17 -July 23 2004 NOAA Center for
Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research;
Beaufort, NC
-- NOAA EPP Intern; Cetacean and Sea
Turtles Team; Mentors- Dr. Aleta Hohn
and Dr. Jon Hare
-- Project- "The Relationship
between SST and Sea Height on Stranding
of Harbor Porpoise along the NC Coast"
September 2003-April 2004 Elizabeth
City State University; Elizabeth City,
-- Member of Remote Sensing Team; Mentor-
Keisha Wilkins
-- Processed HRPT data from a NOAA
satellite and decrypted SeaWiFS data
from the OrbView-2 satellites
June 2-July 18, 2003 Norfolk State
University Norfolk, VA
-- RESS (Researching Earth System Science)
Internship program; Mentor- Dr. Raj
-- Created 3D module on how disasters
affect a small country
September 2002-April 2003 Elizabeth
City State University; Elizabeth City,
-- Member of Remote Sensing Team; Mentor-
Keisha Wilkins
-- Used TeraScan 3.0 System to modify
raw images using LINIX
Hardware: Gateway PC and Macintosh
Software: Microsoft Word, Excel, Power
Point, Access, C++, Internet Explorer,
TI-83 Plus calculator
Training: UNIX, LINIX, Satellite Imagery,
HTML, Microsoft FrontPage, JavaScript,
Dreamweaver, ArcView GIS
-- Honor Roll-Fall 2002
-- Office of the Naval Research Scholarship
-- NOAA 2003-2006 Scholar
-- Vice Chancellor's List Fall 2004
-- Academic Award-Tennis 2004
-- National Deans List 2004-2005
--Research in the Capital in Raleigh,
NC; April 12, 2005
"Relationship between Sea Surface
Temperature and Sea Height on Stranding
of Harbor Porpoise"
--NOAA Educational Science Forum in
New York, NY; Oct. 21-23, 2004
"Relationship between Sea surface
Temperature and Sea Height on Stranding
of Harbor Porpoise"
--IEEE- IGARSS Conference in Anchorage,
Alaska; Sept. 19-26, 2004
"Disaster Agency Readiness: Predicting
and Preparing For El Nino, La Nina Southern
Oscillation (ENSO), and North Pacific
Oscillation (NPO)" *Paper Published
-- 17th Annual ADMI Conference - May 20, 2004 - May 22, 2004; Orland, FL
-- LS-LAMP Conference in New Orleans, LA; Nov. 21-23, 2003
-- Women of Color Conference in Nashville, TN; Sept. 11-13, 2003
-- Fourth Expanding Opportunities
Conference in Tallahassee, FL; March
30-Apr.1, 2003
"Documentation of TeraScan 3.0 System
Installation at ECSU”
-- 12th Annual SOARS Conference in Raleigh, NC; Nov. 8, 2002
-- Secretary-Freshman Class 2002-2003
-- ONR Research Student 2002-Present
-- Secretary-Math Club 2003-2004
-- Treasurer-National Society of Black
Engineers (NSBE) 2003-2204
-- Member of Association of Computing
Machinery (ACM) 2003-2004
-- IEEE-GRSS Student Member 2003-Present
-- Vice President of Students Athletic
Activities Council (SAAC) 2004-2005
-- President of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,
Incorporated 2005-Present