September 24-27, 2002

Conference Luncheons

National Technical Association
Office of Naval Research

"'Planning and Program for the New Millineum - Technically and Educationally Focused' was the theme for of the conference which was attended by minorities from the engineering, science, architecture, and technology fields."


"Power tends to corrupt"

"A day on and a day off"

"The mind should be able to pass judgement in events"

"Education is power"


- Ramatoulie Bah
ONR Research Student



This years National Technical Association Conference was held in Las Vegas, NV at the Excalibur Hotel. Attending from Elizabeth City State University were Dr. Linda Hayden, Ramatoulie Bah, Shayla Brooks, Vincent Davis, and Carl Seward.

Some of the speakers were:

  • “Blacks in Management” by Dr. Darryl Tukufu, President and CEO of the Tukufu Group Inc., and Director of The Urban League – Nashville, TN.
  • “Title” by Dr. Woodrow Whitlow, Jr., Director, Research and Technology NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio
  • “The Cost of Success” by Dr. and Mrs. Dexter/Philomena Johnson

"The Undergraduate category had 3 winners, 1st place went to Carl Seward of Elizabeth City State University, 2nd place went to Meagan Wright of Clark Atlanta University, and 3rd place went to Vincent Davis of Elizabeth City State University. There were also several Honorable Mentions in the Undergraduate Category. "

-Shayla Brooks
ONR Research Student