NIA Web Server
October 7, 2002     229 Dixon Hall
EARTH Training Workshop: Pixoneer Software for Remote Sensing Education
Trainer: Dr. Mohamed Mohamed

Earth 2.1 Software Topics:
1. Visual Analysis (Display, image enhancement, histograms, scatter plots, color tables, profiles, measurements, screen digitizing, vector overlay, linking views)

2. File/Image Utilities (Import/Export, header editing, resizing, map projection, coordinates conversion, sun angle estimation)

3. Image Processing (geometric correction, orthorectification, image classification & editing, feature extraction, color transformation, band math, spatial & frequency filtering)

4. DEM Generation (from stereo imagery, Interferometry, XYZ data, digital contours), editing, and interpolation

5. SAR Tools (Header and metadata, SLC to image, sigma naught, beta naught, slant to ground, and antenna pattern correction)

6. 3-D Visualization (image draping, flying simulation, path analysis, visibility analysis, flood simulation, text annotation, 3-D objects overlay, topographic modeling)

7. Map Composition (images/map, grids, text, vectors, north arrow, scale bar, legend, gray schemes, and color palettes)

Education Module Topics:
Discuss the contents of the introductory remote sensing class curriculum described below.

This course provides an introduction to electromagnetic spectrum, basic spectral properties of earth surface features, energy interaction with the atmosphere, and spectral response patterns of surface features. It also provides an overview of electro-optical remote sensing systems including airborne and space-borne photographic cameras, multispectral, thermal, and hyperspectral sensors. The emphasis is on digital data formats and characteristics, as well as background on photogrammetric procedures and techniques used in image rectification, image enhancement, image classification,and integration of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS).

Definition and History of Remote Sensing
Electromagnetic Theory
Scattering (Rayleigh, Mie, and Non-Selective)
Absorption and Transmission
Spectral Response Pattern vs. Spectral Signature
Types of Sensors and Characteristics
Airborne vs. Space-Borne (advantages and limitations)
Data Acquisition (photography vs. imagery and Flight Planning)
Photographic Measurements and Refinements
Geometry of Aerial Photographs
Scale and Relief Displacement
Stereoscopy and Parallax Image Resolution (spatial, spectral, radiometric, and temporal)
Data Formats (data structure à header and body)
Meta data and Field data
Radiometric Anomalies
Geometric Distortion
Image Histograms and Contrast Enhancement
Image Interpretation (visual vs. computer assisted)
Raster vs. Vector Models/Maps/conversion.