the Correlation between Sea Surface
Temperature, Chlorophyll Concentrations,
QuikSCAT Wind Data and the Presence
of Caretta caretta and Chelonia
Mydas In The Mid-Atlantic
long distance movement of marine
turtles is one of the wonders
of the natural world, with recapture
techniques showing how some species
move thousands of kilometers
across the ocean (Meylan, 1995).
The Mid-Atlantic serves as a
host environment for a number
of sea turtle species that encompasses
their seasonal migration routes.
Currently, out of the six turtles
species all are labeled as either
threatened or endangered under
the Endangered Species Act.
Previous research suggests that migration
routes are strongly influenced by two
factors: sea surface temperature and
chlorophyll concentrations. Studies
in the past that investigate sea turtles
and their correlation with Advanced
Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)
sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll
concentration have only focused on
one turtle species, the Caretta caretta
(loggerhead turtle).
This study included two species of
sea turtles, the Caretta caretta and
Chelonia mydas (green turtle). These
turtles were tracked along the Mid-Atlantic
to determine if a correlation exists
between migration routes, sea surface
temperature, chlorophyll concentrations,
and wind data. Archived AVHRR sea surface
temperature and OrbView-2 SeaWiFS chlorophyll
data were derived, processed, and analyzed
at the Center of Excellence in Remote
Sensing Education and Research (CERSER)
located on the campus of Elizabeth
City State University. CERSER has a
TeraScan 1.5m System that is configured
to ingest data from polar orbiting
satellites. The system contains a suite
of software which was utilized for
the processing and analysis of the
data. In addition, AVHRR sea surface
temperature and QuikSCAT wind data
were utilized from the Jet Proportions
Before processing the data, TeraCapCon,
a software package used for scheduling
and viewing images that are ingested
into the TeraScan System, was used
to locate data. Once data was located
it was retrieved from archival tape
using the TeraScan pass disk. After
retrieval AVHRR data was processed
using the command ‘hrptin’.
The command ‘outliers’ was
then used to correct for noisy data.
Once the noisy data was corrected it
was calculated for the sea surface
temperature using the command ‘nitpix’. ‘Nitpix’ converts
brightness temperature to sea surface
temperature in areas that are determined
to be cloud free. ‘Nitpix’ is
an implementation of the Multichannel
sea surface temperature (MCSST) algorithm.
The AVHRR data was then ready for analysis.
Before the SeaWifs data could be processed
it first had to be decrypted. CERSER
has a two week delayed license. With
this license SeaWifs data must remain
on the system for two weeks before
it can be processed. After decryption
of the data it was processed using
the command ‘seawifsin’ and
calculated for chlorophyll concentrations
using the command ‘swcolor’. ‘Swcolor’ implements
the official SeaWiFS ocean color algorithms
to derive chlorophyll, pigment concentrations,
and aerosol optimal depth. The SeaWiFS
data was then ready for processing.
This project was a continuation of
the paper “A Determination of
Temporal and Spatial Distribution,
Migratory Patterns, and Habitats for
Sea Turtles using AVHRR”.