TravelURE OMS 2004
ECSU | NOAA | Mu-Spin | ONR | NIA  

Closing Program>> Day One Presentations :: Video Conference :: Poster Session :: Day Two Presentations :: Luncheon

Video Conference

After the research presentations the guests and faculty attended a video conference with Mr. James Harrington and the University of New Hampshire. This conference was held in the video conferencing room in the ITC building and was centered around the Cooperative Agreement Notice FY05-2010 proposed by the NASA MU-SPIN office of Goddard Space Flight Center. The presentation by NASA MU-SPIN can be found here.

Participants included:

Office of Naval Research
Mr. Charles Luther,
Program Manager

Elizabeth City State University
Dr. Linda Hayden, PI
Dr. Malcolm LeCompte
Dr. V. Manglik
Mrs. Elizabeth Noble
Mrs. Keisha Wilikins

Goddard Space Flight Center
Mr. James Harrington,
MU-SPIN Director

University of New Hampshire
Dr. Julie Williams,
Associate VP for Research
Dr. Eleanor Abrams
Dr. Cameron Wake

NOAA Educational Partnership Program
Ms. Jewel Griffin-Linzey,
Environmental Entrepreneurship Program Manager

NOAA Beaufort Laboratories
Dr. J. Kenworthy
Dr. Patrick Biber

Christopher Newport University
Mr. Kevin Foss

