Shayla R. Brooks
Dana Brown
Linwood Creekmore
Torreon N. Creekmore
Vincent Augustus Davis
Peter Eley
Danielle Graves
Paula Harrell
Golar Newby
Elizabeth Rascoe
Carl W. Seward
Eunice Smith
Rodney Stewart
Nelson Veale
Jordan Williams
Golar Newby
email: umfort@hotmail.com
Mentor: Ray
Internship: NASA
Title: Quality
of Service Networking Utilizing Protective Preferential Treatment
over a Gigabit Ethernet Environment
A war is being waged within homes, university campus, libraries,
government buildings and many other places that appear to be peaceful.
The soldiers of this war are highly evolved computer systems, the
battlegrounds are aging network environments, and the prize of the
war is bandwidth. Computers have grown more powerful from year to
year, but networking environments have been hard paced to keep up
with the evolutionary changes of CPUs. With the high volume of customers,
students, employees and other users that rely on consistent network
services; administrators have been plagued with bandwidth woes.
Solutions to bandwidth problems are not easy generated or implemented,
but by looking at different degrees of network reliability, weakness
in current internet protocols, makeup of IP packets and the different
transport protocols better understanding of how networks allocate
resources can be achieved. Developing quality of service for a particular
network environment depends on that individual network, but by implementing
preferential treatment to a particular type of network traffic that
specified traffic flow could be protected from other programs seeking
a higher bandwidth. The research conducted at NASA Ames utilized
Gigabit Ethernet connections on two Solaris workstations, a Cisco
7500 router, a Cisco 7206 VXR router, a PCMon system, and a Fast
Ethernet connection between another Solaris workstation, the PCMon
system, and the two routers. The research conducted was to see weather
an isolated flow of data could be protected and guaranteed a specific
bandwidth without any regards to other traffic on the network.