

Title: Using Satellite Ground Operations Training To Develop An Algorithm Using Satellite Sea Surface Temperatures from the CERSER Ground Station to predict NOAA North Carolina Coastal Sea Buoy Temperatures

Team Mentor- Je'aime Powell
Team Membors-Ignatius Williams, Rockson Armaah

Abstract- Elizabeth City State University currently operates a TeraScan Grounding station capable of receiving and processing imagery data collected by satellites managed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The imagery received in the Infra-Red spectrum both measures sea surface temperatures and cloud cover for the eastern coast of North Carolina.

Once the data sets were collected, they were statistically analyzed using the analysis of variance methodology and regression. Strong correlations were observed during the AVHRR-Buoy comparison for two of the three areas under the study. The NOAA-16 AVHRR SST emerged as the most consistent with the insitu data from the ORIN7 Buoy. This was due to its high coefficient of determination. TeraScan training received during the period also contributed knowledge on the processing of raw data to suit specific areas of interest. The processed data could then be exported to third party software such as ENVI and Google Earth while maintaining the specific data of interest.