Remote Sensing

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"The term Remote Sensing means the sensing of the Earth's surface from space by making use of the properties of electromagnetic waves emitted, reflected or diffracted by the sensed objects, for the purpose of improving natural resources management, land use and the protection of the environment."

Definition from United Nations annex:
Principles Relating to Remote
Sensing of the Earth from Space

Our remote sensing project was limited due to uncontrolable circumstances. During the time of our remote sensing project, we analyzed the various weather systems and patterns. We were introduced to the software allowing us to create the images of the atmosphere. The software used was Earth and Arc View. The images that we created were from hurricane Ivan, Francis, and Charley. The software enables the user to manipulate the way the air masses appeared. As part of the project we wrote a brief analysis on the following topics:

  • Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone
  • Airmasses
  • Gulf Stream
  • Cold Fronts
  • Coriolis Effect