Dr. Ali Khan, Interim Dean of the School of Math, Science and Technology
On behalf of the School of Mathematics, Science and Technology, I would like to welcome all participants to the 3rd Annual Research Week at Elizabeth City State University. This is an exciting and rewarding time to be engaged in research and to study in the areas of science and technology. The SMST is committed to increasing the participation of our faculty and students through both its function and programs that support research and education in science and technology. Our departments and centers are dedicated to improving the educational and socio-economic status of our student body through basic research, educational outreach, and technology that meet the highest standards of professional performance.
The research week is designed as a strategic framework, enabling our faculty and students to demonstrate and exhibit their accomplishments and achievements at the forefront of cutting edge research. Our outstanding faculty and staff have advanced the knowledge of students through numerous multidisciplinary activities which enhance their appreciation and understanding of the universe in which they live.
Our theme this year …. Building Bridges into Tomorrow Through Research and Technology…… focuses on the future. You can expect to see both oral and poster presentations by undergraduate and graduate students as well as benefit from a series of activities including outstanding keynote speakers, panel presentations and exhibits. Academic departments and government agencies will also be represented during MST week. In addition, this event will provide a unique opportunity for you to develop, renew and strengthen associations with other students, faculty and researchers.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Planning Committee, faculty, staff, students, and most importantly, the Office of the Academic Affairs for their support. I hope each of you will take advantage of the educational opportunities provided by this important event.
Again, I look forward in welcoming you to MST Research Week.