
The following are references from reports at ECSU.

U.S. Geological Survey: Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA)

ENVI® Online Tutorials from ITTVIS us/productsservices/ENVI® /tutorials.aspx

Global Visualization (Glovis) viewer


Ice Shelves Disappearing on Antarctic Peninsula

Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica

National Snow and Ice Data Center: ICESat/GLAS Data

The Landsat Program

Alley, R. B. & Bindschadler, R. A
The West Antarctic Ice Sheet and Sea-Level Change
The West Antarctic ice sheet: behavior and Environment
(ed. R. B. Alley & R. A. Bindschadler). Antarctic Research Series, vol. 77, pp. 1–11. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union

Baltrop, Jamika, MyAsia Reid, and Malcolm LeCompte
Determining the Antarctic Ice Sheet Basal stress boundary with Photoclinometry using LANDSAT Imagery and ICESat Laser Altimetry
Print-Not Published

Baltrop, Jamika, MyAsia Reid, and Malcolm LeCompte
Determining the Antarctic Ice Sheet Grounding Line with Photoclinometry using LANDSAT Imagery and ICESat Laser Altimetry

Bindschadler, R., Choi, H., et al.
Getting around Antarctica: new high-resolution mappings of the grounded and freely-floating boundaries of the Antarctic ice sheet created for the International Polar Year
The Cryosphere Discuss

Bindschadler, Robert
The Environment and Evolution of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Setting the Stage
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 364.1844 (2006): 1-23 ull#ref-list-1

Bird, Michael I., William E.N. Austin, Christopher M. Wurster, L. Keith Fifield, Meryem Mojtahid, and Sargeant, Chris
Punctuated eustatic sea-level rise in the early mid-Holocene
Geology 39.9 (2010): 803-806

Conway, H., B. L. Hall, G. h. Denton, and A. M. Gades
Past and Future Grounding-Line Retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Science Magazine 286.5438 (280-283): 1999

G. Casassa, W. Krabill, P. Gogineni, E. Rignot, A. Rivera, and R. Thomas
Accelerated ice discharge from the Antarctic Peninsula following the Collapse of Larsen B ice shelf
Geophysical Research letters, Vol. 31, L18401, doi:10.1029/2004GL020697, 2004

R.L., Kirk, J.M. Barrett, and L.A. Soderblom
Photoclinometry Made Simple 2003

Robert , Bindschadler, and Ian Joughlin
Total Antarctic Ice Sheet Discharge: An IPY Benchmark Data Set

Robert, Bindschadler, and Hyeungu Choi
Mapping the Total Antarctic Ice Sheet Discharge: an IPY Benchmark Data Set

Shepherd, Andrew, Duncan J. Wingham, Justin A.D. Mansley, and Hugh F. J. Corr
In; and Thinning of Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica
Science Magazine 291.5505 (2001): 862-864. Web. 11 Mar 2011

Vergano, Dan
The debate's over: Globe is warming
USA TODAY. (2005): Print