Keila M. Vance
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Professional Statement

         Computer Science is a field that combines three areas that are in high demand- science, mathematics, and technology. After doing some research, computer science is a science of its own that brings together many of the higher level math courses and anything involving hardware and software. These three components are what began to peak my interest in my particular field. I began my first major courses at Jackson State University my sophomore year. This class alone opened the door to new challenges, a new found respect as well as opportunities that I never dreamed of.
           These challenges only gave me a new found respect for myself and my field. I began to respect myself more because I overcame difficult challenges in my life. This field helped me to not run away from a challenge but to meet it head on. I began to respect my craft from all of my hard work. I learned to think analytically instead of practically. Being able to figure out difficult tasks also gave me an appreciation for the skills I obtained.
           After I mastered a few of my higher level courses I began to receive great opportunities. I received my first internship in the business administration division of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). While working here I gained knowledge about the government and the different divisions inside of the FAA. During my internship program I had the opportunity to visit an airport in Arlington County, VA, Ronald Regan Washington National Airport; I learned what happens in the towers at an airport. I also received the opportunity to go to the FAA headquarters in New Jersey. Here I went deeper inside the FAA and learned how all the safety precautions and experiments involve in keeping passengers safe. These opportunities helped me come in contact with men and women in my field and see their pathways to success.
           I also received the opportunity to attend a “Corporate Tour” in Dallas, Texas sponsored by Jackson State University’s Computer Science department. While here we toured many companies and listened to the work opportunities they offered. These opportunities ranged from internships to permanent positions. Many companies we toured conducted interviews and encouraged us all to apply for any of their work opportunities.
           Currently I am part of the Undergraduate Research Experience in Ocean Marine Science (URE OMS) 2006; Holistic Ice Sheet Modeling: A First Order Approach and Study. Our work focused on modeling the processes associated with ice sheets and their evolution with an eye to their contribution to sea level rise. Our team mentors Dr. Terry Hughes and Dr. Malcolm LeCompte guided us through the intricacies ice sheet modeling. We have leaned complex, analytic methods used to calculate ice sheet behavior. We also learned a number of approximations to simplify the modeling process, resulting in a first-order model derived from geometrical considerations of balancing gravitational driving forces against resistive basal shear stress. The main variable Phi, the floating fraction, governs the thickness of the ice and the impacts ice stream dynamics. Measurements of the Byrd Ice stream in the Antarctic were compared to a variety of first and higher order model predictions of ice sheet thickness. This program is another example of how I turned my obstacles into stepping stones to my success.
           Every major has its obstacles and Computer Science is no different. As a student I turned my obstacles into respect and my respect turned into opportunities. Computer Science helped lay the ground work for my future. I plan to attend graduate school at another technical historically black college or university (HBCU), such as North Carolina Agriculture and Technology (NC A&T). While attending this institution I plan to receive my masters in Computer Science. These new challenges will open the door to more opportunities. I would also love to one day be a mentor to young ladies in similar situations. I can show them how to turn their mountains into stepping stones. By doing so, I will be helping another generation of women understand they too have the ability to overcome all challenges.