lOGO Undergraduate Research Experience in Ocean and Marine Science
Dolphin Presence/Absence Probabilities on the Virginia and North Carolina Coasts as Correlated with Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-A Levels
Tiffany posing with Bilan at the ADMI Conference
Tiffany and Jenelle learning CPR with Mr. Kelvin Brown
Is Jenelle choking?
Tiffany falling asleep as DeQuincy tries to remember proper CPR procedures
With our mentor, Mr. Kevin Foss, Tiffany and DeQuincy cruise the river seeking dolphins.
Sailing past naval ships with the wind through Tiffany's hair.
Another dolphin cruise accomplished!
DeQuincy's fear of the open water getting the better of him.
Two drawbridges raised to allow various boats in and out of the river.
DeQuincy being awarded for attending the ADMI Conference
Recording data obtained in the most recent Hydrology Lab
Even the team mentor is hard at work.
DeQuincy giving an evil eye for being camera sniped by Mr. Hathaway
DeQuincy and Mario enjoying the ride on a pontoon boat at the Virinia Marine Science Museum