Demetrus Rorie
Data Provider Agents in the Polar Radar for Ice Sheet Measurements (PRISM) Project
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Temperature Agent Talks to the Temperature Sensor on the Robot using RMI  

Figure 1.

Figure 1: Illustrates how RMI works when the temperature agent is talking to the temperature sensor on the rover

The Rover Temperature Sensor announces itself to the RMI Registry.

  1. The Rover Temperature Sensor announces itself to the RMI Registry.
  2. Temperature Agent asks the Temperature Agent Data Provider for the temperature.
  3. Temperature Agent Data Provider asks the RMI Registry for an interface so it can talk to the Rover Temperature Sensor.
  4. The RMI Registry gives the Temperature Agent Data Provider an interface and it talks to the Rover Temperature Sensor through remote communication.
  5. Rover Temperature Sensor provides the Temperature Agent Data Provider with a numerical temperature.
  6. The Temperature Agent Data Provider gives the temperature to the Temperature Agent.
UML Sequence Diagram

Figure 2: This is a sequence diagram that illustrates how a temperature agent gets the temperature from a remote temperature sensor on the rover.

Inside the boxes are the objects in the system. The lines in between the boxes show interaction between the objects and are also know as method calls. The dashed lines show a message being returned. These diagrams will be used to plan modifications and additions to the multi-agent system and will help plan for additional functionality for next years field test. With these models the Prism Intelligent Systems Team can easily identify problems and areas that can be improved

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