GLOBE Training for Preservice and Inservice Teacher Education at Elizabeth City State University
Keyword: Teacher Inservice Training, Preservice Education, GLOBE Protocols, Atmosphere, Clouds, Surface Temperature, Air Temperature, Remote Sensing, Chi Square Test, North Carolina Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, North Carolina Common Core State Standards for Science
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) is a K-12 environmental education program supported by National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and National Science Foundation (NSF). GLOBE is a powerful teaching tool that enables students to use hands-on, inquiry-based methods to gather and interpret scientific data. Pathways in Mathematics Education and Remote Sensing (PiMERS) represents a joint effort between Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) and NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) which held a hybrid regional teacher inservice and student preservice workshop on GLOBE Protocols at on the campus of ECSU located in Elizabeth City, North Carolina in the northeastern region of the state. A Protocol eTraining took place in January 2017 and the face-to-face workshop was held in February 2017. Over a two-week period, students and teachers learned basic GLOBE protocols and formed questions concerning each of the assigned GLOBE topics. During the face to face workshop participants collected data in the field, performed data/laboratory analyses, and compared data submitted by various schools around the world on the GLOBE website. The participants learned about remote sensing and viewed/manipulated images using image-processing software, and were introduced to the study of GLOBE Protocols as applied in northeastern North Carolina as well. Teachers and preservice students were excited about this hands-on experience in GLOBE and stated that this new learning prepared them to pass on this newly acquired knowledge. GLOBE protocols used in the workshop were recommended for incorporation into the current preservice teacher education program at ECSU.
As a result of the GLOBE training, the 2017 PiMERS Mathematics Team at ECSU established three environmental sites on the campus of ECSU. With these three established sites, the research team conducted investigations for the following GLOBE protocols: Clouds, Air Temperature, and Surface Temperature. For atmosphere investigations of air and surface thermometers; minimum, and maximum temperatures were recorded from the area located near the front of the Dixon/Patterson Hall building and the softball field on the campus of Elizabeth City State University. With the newly installed weather station loaned by LaRC, IRT207 Infrared Thermometers and digital multi-day max/min/current thermometers were used to record measurements of air and soil temperatures. For cloud investigations, the total cloud/contrail cover, sky color and visibility, cloud levels: high, mid, and low, and surface conditions were observed and recorded from the open area located near the front of Burnim Fine Arts Complex on the campus of Elizabeth City State University. All cloud observations were done visually.
The collection of environmental data from these three sites around the ECSU campus that encompass these protocols were conducted by four preservice mathematics education students and one university mathematics instructor from the General Studies Program. The team gained a better understanding of Earth System Science, its relationship to mathematics, and interrelated cycles which comprise an integrated system. The mathematics team uploaded the collected environmental data to the GLOBE website and provided environmental data that enabled scientists to help in the study the earth's system. The PiMERS Mathematics Team collected and evaluated obtained data, and created graphical models to express data quantitatively using the GLOBE website data resources.
The PiMERS Mathematics Education Team members researched the relationship of GLOBE protocols curriculum to the North Carolina Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and Science (NCCCSS). North Carolina adopted the North Carolina Common Core State Standards (NCCCSS) in K-12 Mathematics and K-12 English Language Arts on June 2, 2010 that were released by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers. With the adoption of these state-led education standards, North Carolina was in the first group of states to embrace clear and consistent goals for learning to prepare children for success in college and work. The Mathematics Standards and Science Standards are considered the gatekeepers for students who are college or career ready.
Spring 2017 Reasearch
The Impact of STEM Outreach in Low Income School and Communities
Keywords: Outreach, STEM, Evaluation, Assessment, STEM Literate
The Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) at the University of Kansas is a National Science Foundation (NSF) Science and Technology Center (STC) CReSIS’ K-12 Educational Outreach Program with a curriculum designed to introduce students to the dynamics of polar ice sheets and their effects on sea level rise. The Ice, Ice Baby (IIB) curriculum is a series of inquiry-based lessons developed by CReSIS K-12 Educational Outreach Staff and currently has 7 units with 31 lesson plans. Data (pre- and post-surveys from students and teachers) from the IIB program have been collected and assessed annually. This research study focuses on the impact the IIB curriculum has made on student participants in the program, their level of interests in STEM, and will examine data assessed from the student and teacher surveys from 2009 to 2015.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) outreach programs target K-12 students and enhance student learning, comprehension skills, and helps students understand various principles related to STEM [10]. These programs are coordinated by various organizations, colleges, or universities that are staffed with STEM professionals and facilitators [4]. A major issue that schools face today is the low involvement of minority students in STEM education and careers. Research suggests ways to get students involved includes: developing discussions, hands-on activities, and incorporating STEM into lesson plans [6].
Summer 2016 Research
Facts and Fictions about Standardized Testing
Keywords: Achievement Gaps, ETS, Standardized Testing, Test-Taking Strategies.
Criticism of standardized tests is nothing new [1]. Banesh Hoffman, professor of mathematics and former collaborator with Albert Einstein, made exactly this point in his 2003 book "The Tyranny of Testing". Some standardize test have been found to be culturally bias, and have not necessarily been an accurate predictor of student success in undergraduate or graduate school.
Due to these concerns, testing companies, colleges/universities, and test-takers are seeking ways to level the playing field. As a result, several questions have been raised: 1) Is standardized testing really necessary and can these tests truly predict ones success in their academic career and/or profession? 2) What are the characteristics of people who do well or poorly on these tests? 3) Is there a magical formula to passing a standardized test? 4) Has research proved that certain test-taking strategies are more effective than others? 5) Are there campus/institution practices/interventions that can be used to successfully address problem areas and/or to close achievement gaps?
This group of researchers examined various test-taking techniques and tips, as a means to identify, select, and/or reject "common" test-prep endorsements that will aid to the enhancement of one's success rate on test day. There has been a number of studies conducted that have been very effective in improving the test scores of individuals who are taking standardized testing (such as the SAT, ACT, PRAXIS, GMAT, and GRE).
Spring 2016 Research