Jonathan Person

Abstract – 2007-2008 Multimedia Team
Redesign and Upgrade of the CERSER Website and Digital Image Library

The Center of Excellence in Remote Sensing Education and Research (CERSER) on the campus of Elizabeth City State University is currently tasked with the responsibility of receiving remotely sensed Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and Sea Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) data for research projects year round. This data is collected, processed, annotated, and transformed into images in the Tagged Image File Format (tiff). These tiff images are then uploaded to the CERSER archive library server located at Once uploaded, they are converted into various resolutions and their information is added to a tracking database maintained with Microsoft Access software. This database provides a searchable means for retrieving satellite image data through various parameters.

The current site and database architecture were developed in 2003 and modified in 2005. New capabilities and site requirements necessitated a redesign of the current site to include a more logical navigation scheme and flexibility to expand as needed. The image database required an update of the over four thousand images, many of which were corrupted or missing information. The database also required the implementation of product categories such as AVHRR color images, SeaWiFS chlorophyll images, and SeaWiFS sea surface temperature, as new satellite licenses have been acquired.