Professional Statement
My name is Bryce Lennon Carmichael and I am a junior Computer Science
major with a minor in Remote Sensing at Elizabeth City State University in
Elizabeth City, North Carolina. As an undergraduate research student under
Dr. Linda Hayden, I have received numerous opportunities to attend many
conferences, learning how to apply for different internships, and hands on
research experiences relating to the computer science field. It is my
desire to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science and
advancing into my career choice by completing the undergraduate studies
needed to continue my education for graduate school. Computers make up a
large portion of who I am today. Thus, being in a career field that I
would love to work in each and everyday would make my life easier as well
as more pleasant knowing that by the end of each day I will have learned
something new.
Upon graduation in 2009, I wish to become gainfully employed in the
computer science industry by learning everything about the computer
technology that influences and shapes our world. As computer technology
continues to change each and every day, I plan to utilize every
educational opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge and training
needed to make me a confident, reputable employee in the workforce world
after graduating from Elizabeth City State University’s institution of
higher learning.
So far, my research experiences have taken place during both the academic
school year and the summer session. During the second semester of my
freshman year, I was placed on the UNIX team which was mentored by
Christopher Edwards. During the spring semester, our team presented our
project entitled “The Impact on Students learning open source software to
Analyze TCP Traffic.” Our team used a passive network discovery to
fingerprint vulnerabilities within Ethernet broadcast frames. During the
summer of 2006, I received my first internship at the University of
Kansas. Cheniece Arthur and I were on the Robotic Simulation team under
the mentoring of Dr. Arvin Agah. The title of our project was entitled,
“Robotic Formations.” Our research involved the assimilation and
development of robotics that deploy and retrieve seismic sensors in order
to prevent global warming.
My second semester, sophomore year research included the redesign of the
network based on the University of North Carolina Academic Computing
Model. The network team goal for the 2006-2007 research programs is to
take a fresh look at the Undergraduate Research Computer Lab network to
make fully functional and secure. During the summer, I did another
internship at the University of Kansas where I designed and developed a
robot that was originally created by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
called the TETwalker. This robot was created in a computer, simulation
software program that demonstrated the collection of seismic data of ice
sheets in Antarctica and Greenland.
Since my freshman year, I have attended numerous major conferences. The
first conference I attended was on September 29, 2005 which was hosted by
the National Technical Association’s (NTA) National Conference and
Technical Career Opportunity Fair. Some of the other conferences I have
attended include another National Technical Association’s (NTA) National
Conference and Technical Career Opportunity Fair in Chicago, IL on July
29, 2006 where Cheniece Arthur and I received third place for an
undergraduate researcher’s award for our summer internship project, the
Association of Computer/Information Sciences and Engineering Departments
at Minority Institutions (ADMI) Conference and Symposium in Atlanta, GA on
February 8, 2007, Research in the Capital Undergraduate Research Symposium
for the North Carolina General Assembly in Raleigh, NC on April 17, 2007,
and the University of New Hampshire Undergraduate Research Conference
Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Symposium in Durham, NH on April
25, 2007. November 10, 2007, I attended the Super Computing Conference 07
in Reno, NV and worked as a student volunteer an entire week.
As I embark on my upcoming future educational endeavors, I look forward to
increasing my knowledge in the field of computers and accomplishing one
more of my educational goals, a degree in computer science and a minor in
Remote Sensing. I would feel honored and will strive to meet all
expectations when I graduate from Elizabeth City State University in 2009.