2006 Undergraduate Research
Experience Multimedia Team (URE MMT)
Developing Standards and Practices for Digitizing and Archiving Multimedia
Material from within the Undergraduate Research Experience Program and
Other Associated Programs
The Undergraduate Research Experience Program at Elizabeth City State
University is an umbrella for several funded projects. These projects
include: The Center for Excellence in Remote Sensing Education and Research
(CERSER), The Northeastern Chapter of the IEEE-GRSS Society, The Center
for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS), NOAA's Educational Partnership
Program at ECSU, The Undergraduate Research Experience in Ocean and Marine
Science Program (URE OMS), as well as the Undergraduate Research Experience
Program supporting undergraduate research at ECSU. These programs entail
numerous special events that generate both video and photographic images.
Reports and other documentation are also created to record the success
and progress of each program.
With the advent of digital archiving, the majority of this information
can now be stored for retrieval from sources other than paper, video tape,
photographs, or other non-digital means. The addition of metadata to the
created documents and files is needed though to ensure that once an item
is digitized it is not lost in the system and is available to various
query formats. This metadata will take the form of naming conventions
for files and standardizing the nomenclature that references events and
programs. A standard procedure for processing and outputting digital information
is also required to ensure maximum compatibility as technology moves forward.
File formats should be homogeneous guarantying the greatest usability
for future researchers and managers.
The goal of the 2006 URE MMT will be to document the current practices
utilized to archive information (reports, video, images, etc…).The
team will then research the best method with which to digitize the current
information and make recommendations for future changes in practice to
ensure information can be quickly added to an archive and quickly recovered.
This project will also necessitate researching Commercial Off-the-Shelf
(COTS) software to explore the feasibility and cost of implementation
to ensure the greatest return on investment (ROI).