Statement of Purpose

My name is Gregory Brown and I am a sophomore at Elizabeth City State University. I am majoring in computer science with a geographical information system (GIS) minor. This year I have had the honor of being accepted into Dr. Linda Hayden’s Office of Naval Research (ONR) program. I feel that this program will help push me to obtain goals that I once thought were impossible. This coming semester I will be doing research with UNIX network administration team. I chose computer science as my major because I have always liked working with computers. When it came time for me to pick a major I felt like it would be interesting to learn how the software works so that one day I could build on some already existing programs.

During the fall of 2005, in order to obtain hands on training, I will be applying for internships that will help build a competitive resume. These internship experiences will help me to gain knowledge and skills in my field of study. This semester I have already filled out and submitted applications with National Association For Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO), Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI), and the Department of Energy (DOE).

Upon graduation I will be applying to graduate school at Old Dominion University (ODU) to obtain my master’s degree in Computer Science. I chose ODU because I like their computer science program and their financial aid package.

While attending Elizabeth City State University I have had the opportunity to expand my horizons. I will also be furthering my education in remote sensing to remove any boundaries that I will be faced with in the job market. Upon my completion of graduate schools I would like to work in the computer industry as a programmer and hopefully one day start my own business.