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Personal Statement
Jerome Mitchell :: ECSU
spLast Updated: 07 Dec, 2004
sp sp
Everyone has a certain passion he or she wants to pursue. For as long as I can remember, my passion has involved the world of technology. Technology sparked an interest in me because I enjoyed solving complex problems by methodological steps. This gifted ability and enjoyment have prompted me to major and minor in computer science and applied mathematics, respectively.

As an assiduous student, I was selected as a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Office of Naval Research (ONR) student researcher. NASA and ONR's mission is to provide a supportive learning environment, and it offers high quality instruction that employs new technologies and integrates new ideas across intellectual boundaries. Participating in the research program enables me to broaden my understanding about different operating systems and computer science topics. It also sponsors my attendance at various conferences geared toward providing technological literacy as well as graduate school information.

As part of my research program, I am required to complete multiple research projects throughout my undergraduate career. In my first-year of college (2003-2004), I conducted a project involving computer networks. The project was entitled “Network Security.” The project implemented local and global site policies for the Office of Naval Research network. Learning the areas of satellite imagery and software engineering allowed me to complete a project conducted during my second-year of college (2004-2005). The project was entitled “How Sun Microsystems' OpenGL and Java Three-Dimensional (3D) Can Enhance the Center of Excellence in Remote Sensing Education and Research (CERSER) Two-Dimensional (2D) Satellite Imagery Program.” It entailed the Sun Microsystems’ technologies such as OpenGL and Java three-dimensional Solaris to visualize satellite imagery data sets on a UNIX based SGI Irex or Solaris Scalable Processor Architecture (SPARC) platform. Despite the rich research experiences gained during the academic years, I urged the opportunity for summer research exposure.

The opportunity for summer research exposure (2004) was gained at The University of Kansas. At the University, I worked with the Intelligent Systems subdivision of the Polar Research for Ice Sheet Measurements (PRISM) project. My project task was entitled “UML Class Diagrams of PRISM Multi-Agent Subsystem Using XML and FIPA.” I was responsible for constructing Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagrams of a messaging multi-agent subsystem.

“The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.” The words of Dr. Julius Earls capture the quality of hard work, and as I continue my undergraduate career, I will master and cultivate the necessary steps in order to become successful in the world of technology.