Personal Statement



Personal Statement

Research Experience


Interesting Links

I’m Demetrus Rorie a driven, zealous, sophomore of Elizabeth City State University. After completing my first year at ECSU my outlook on life has taken a drastic change. Although I have always been a spunky, goal-oriented, outgoing person I have become more determined to accomplish my goals. . My matriculation through Elizabeth City State has encouraged me to mature both academically and mentally. The goals that once seemed so distant, and sometimes unattainable, now seem accomplishable. I’m now not only focusing on obtaining a bachelor’s degree but also going to graduate school to obtain a master’s degree.         

            While enrolled at Elizabeth City State University I am mentally and academically preparing for a career in the Computer Science field. Through the intensive math courses and rigorous academic schedule I am obtaining the necessary skills to effectively operate various computer systems and use different software packages. Computers have always intrigued me. I wanted to know what made computers function, what were some of the different applications of computers, and how could I use these machines to increase the quality of people’s lives. The ONR/NASA scholarship program has allowed me to answer some of these questions that have been lingering in my mind. I have done research on UNIX machines, in an attempt to link the SGI stations together to perform as a supercomputer. I was given the opportunity to download and learn some of the commands of UNIX machines. Through my duration at Elizabeth City State University I have worked with Macintosh computer and TeraVision and also learned Html, JavaScript and also to program using C++.

            Learning different programming languages and getting to physically work with different computers has influenced me to continue my education in graduate school. There I will be able to continue my studies and possibly quench my thirst for knowledge. Graduate school will give me the opportunity to add to my research experiences and give me more insight into the world of computers. I believe that “if it is to be it up to me” so I am diligently working to accomplish my goals.