Ayanna Overton
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My name is Ayanna Overton, a junior attending North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NC A&T), with a major in Electronics Technology. Most of my life growing up was spent being introduced to new technology. This is what influenced me to begin to thinking about a career in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) field.

There were two individuals whom made a significant impact on my decision to pursue a career in technology. One was my father who always had the newest technology on the market. The other was a high school teacher who encouraged her female students to attend a workshop sponsored by the Society of Women Engineers on the University of Virginia campus.  The impact of those two people influenced my decision to learn about possible careers in the STEM field.  

A major in Electronics Technology at NC A&T’s School of Technology began my choice.  This field of study presents its students the opportunity to explore both the hardware and software components of technology. The aspect of my field that is most enjoyable is the programming because it constantly challenges me. Since becoming a student at NC A&T, there have been plenty of opportunities that have allowed me to become more involved in my field of study.  Some of these opportunities include becoming a part of their School of Technology Living and Learning Community, which allowed me to interact with other students in my same major, and becoming a member of the School of Technology’s honor society.

Currently, I am attending the Research Experience for Undergraduates in Ocean, Marine, and Polar Sciences (REU OMPS) at Elizabeth City State University (ECSU).  The title of my research isValidation of the ABSB in the South Eastern Region of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica”.  It focuses on the transformation of the basal stress boundary of the Ross Ice Shelf over a period of time.  This research experience was the perfect opportunity for me to strengthen my researching skills while gaining valuable work experience.  This opportunity will prepare me for the future by informing me of the many options there are after earning a bachelors degree.  

Before graduating with my bachelor’s degree, my plans involve developing my own mobile applications. After earning an undergraduate degree I plan to receive my master’s in Computer Science.