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Site Preparation for 3.6m X/L Band and 3.7m C-Band Groundstation

Keywords:TeraScan; SeaSpace Corp.; Grounds Station; ECSU; Satellites

On February 7, 2012 a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) and Seaspace Corporation. The memorandum leads to the installation of three direct-broadcast satellite receiving ground stations and a training site at ECSU. The receiving stations include a 3.6m X/L band system and a 3.7m C-band system. The 5.0m L band system has already been installed on Dixon-Patterson hall in the summer of 2012. The purpose of this project is to document the installation requirements and internal processes at ECSU for the ground stations, as well as; generate a report of training site physical requirements. Aspects of the MOU including ECSU policy requirements, location engineering findings, location installation requirements, ground station capabilities, and training center needs are addressed.

Dixon-Patterson hall (located on the ECSU campus) is chosen as the most ideal location for the 3.6 meter X/L band and 3.7 meter C-band ground stations. Dixon-Patterson Hall met several key criteria for the installation, including; flat roof, clear sky view, and space to position the associated server. Data acquisition is established from horizon to horizon for these particular ground stations and therefore limited building and tree obstruction is essential.