Satellite Imagery Team used AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution
Radiometer) to assist research in determining whether health
concerns in aquatic recreational areas exist and identify sources
of concern. In addition, AVHRR information was utilized to identify
the location of primary nurseries, the reasons for deterioration;
this includes the adverse effects upon the fishing industry.
Ground truthing was used to determine the applicability of AVHRR
to define present biological, chemical, and geochemical conditions
in the wetland aquatic environments of a coastal biome.
Researchers monitored radiometer readings by manipulation
of CoastWatch data software for retrieving primary nursery locations,
determining quantitative data on aquatic reproduction fish,
and investigating locations of ditches and canals in prescribed
areas of the Dismal Swamp and their current relationship to
human activities.
The impact on CoastWatch usage is enormous on the economy
of North Carolina. An important relationship exists between
clean health environments and public health. A healthy environment
will most certainly result in less strain on public health related
budgets. Coastal fishing and shell fishing is 90 percent dependent
on primary nurseries and the wetland which control nursery health.
Near-ocean fishing is 70 percent dependent. The fishing industry
generates 1.5 billion dollars plus annually. A clean water environment
is also mandatory for the booming tourist industry of Northeastern
North Carolina, and this factor adds many millions of dollars
to the economic well being of the state.