Gilchrist, II
email: williw_gilchrist@hotmail.com
Title: Summer Internship at The Department
of Interior Minerals Management Service located at New Orleans,
A Systems
Administrator at the Department of Interior (DOI), Minerals
Management Service Agency (MMS) maintains and manages the
workstations, network servers, software applications and data
networks. He or she typically must be an expert with UNIX
applications (understands Solaris 8), systems programmer/engineer
(understands the systems programs and potentially modifies
the operating system code) and network analyst. My objective
this summer was to assist senior System Administrators in
their network management duties (data storage, access management,
network management, etc.). This summer I had the opportunity
to be exposed a variety fundamental task that will enhance
my career in becoming a system administrator. One of the my
first task evolved Access Management; Access Management deals
with a data program tracker name “MAGIC”, use
to manage all technical inventory at the DOI, MMS Agencies.
Then my next assignment consists of understanding Solaris
8 administration sufficient to modify the network server configuration,
server setup, and custom Jumpstart setup.