MU-SPIN Project Planning Meeting
Jan. 14-15, 1999 NASA HQ MIC 3 A&B
Schedule of Events Link
Dr. Nahid Khazenie, Office of Earth Science and Dr. Deborah Hale, Office
of Space Science, discuss how NRTS can increase collaborations with NASA Centers
on relevant mission opportunities.
George Reese, Associate Adminstrator for EEO Programs, welcomes the
group to NASA HQ.
James Harrington, MU-SPIN Director, discusses the objectvies of the
meeting which include showcasing NRTs accomplishments, discussing review
committee's findings and preparing for the follow-on funding.
Left: Participants focus their attention on advancing the project through
enhanced infrastructure and programmatic impact directly related to the
enterprises. Right: Participants view the MU-SPIN and NRTS posters.
Participants hear about the impact of the NRTS Expert Institute Concepts
which include the "Hubble Space Telescope Program at SCSU, the
Distributed Image Spreadsheet NREN Application activities at ECSU,
Adventures in Supercomputing at MSU, and the Metro Weather Climate
Network at CCNY.
TSU involvement in the SpaceLink Program and the benefits and challenges
of funding student support for facilitating the use of information
technology in science departments at UTEP were highlighted.
MU-Spin 2000, staffing-up for collaborative grant and outreach
activities were hot topics of discussion. Right: Roger Hathaway,
University Relations Office for OEd-LaRC talks with Dr. Hayden, ECSU-PI.
Dr. Leo Edwards, NOVA Program Educator.
Deborah Gallaway, NOVA Program Manager.
Maurice Mills and Willard Smith of TSU, Karen Buller and Bob Bradbury of
NITI, Dillard Menchan, Chief, EOP-GSFC.
(at center)Dr. Nanette Smith and Mary Stuart, Bennet College.
Dr. Tat Chan, FSU, is shown with Alice Baker, James Arrington and Dr.
Donald Walter of SCSU.
Dr. Waldo Rodriquez of NSU.