
I am a very interesting person with many different interests. My interests include music, technology, math, science, stepping, spending time with my friends and family, and swimming. In the preceding paragraphs, I will explain how music, spending time with my friends and family, and stepping are my most important interests.

One of my main interests is music. I can play two different instruments very well and they are the saxophone and the French horn. I started playing the saxophone in the sixth grade and the French horn in the tenth grade. Music is also a major part of my life, because I march in the I. C. Norcom Marching Greyhound Band.

Another one of my interests is spending time with my family and friends. I love to spend quality time with my family. It is fun going places with them, like to the movies, the mall, and over other family members' houses. I have a ball going out with my friends. We like to go to the mall, out to eat, to the movies, and over each other's houses.

An interest that I really love to do is to step. I am apart of the National Fraternity of Phi Delta Kappa Alpha Chi Chapter KUDOS, Inc. We step for different events such as, student activities and conferences. It is challenging to learn each step precisely and accurately, but after all the hard work is done, we put on an excellent show for our spectators.

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Things that I love to do!