Polar Grid Team Summer 2009
Elizabeth City State University

Elizabeth City State University

Home of the Mighty Vikings!!! Elizabeth City State University is a Historically Black College and University, located in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. ECSU offers baccalaureate programs in the arts and sciences, professional and pre-professional areas, as well as master's degrees in selected disciplines.

University of Kansas

University of Kansas

The University of Kansas is a major public research and teaching institution that operates through a diverse, multicampus system. KU's many parts are bound together by a mission to serve as a "center for learning, research, scholarship and creative endeavor" in the state of Kansas, the nation and the world.

Indiana University at Blooming

Indiana University at Bloomington

Founded in 1820, IU Bloomington one of Indiana University’s eight campuses statewide. Innovation, creativity, and academic freedom are hallmarks of IU Bloomington and its world-class contributions in research and the arts. The university believes in nurturing bright minds with an exceptional support network and breadth of programs.


Center of Excellence in Remote Sensing Education and Research [CERSER]

CERSER is a undergraduate research experience program at Elizabeth City State University. The goal of this program is to "develop and implement innovative and relevant research collaboration focused on ice sheet, coastal, ocean, and marine research.


Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets [CReSIS]

CReSIS is a Science and Technology Center founded in 2005 by the National Science Foundation. The center's mission is to develop new technologies and computer models to measure and predict the resonse of sea level change to the mass balance of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.



NIA is the central point of entry for several programs at Elizabeth City State University.



TeraGrid integrates high-performance computers, data resources and tools, and high-end experimental facilities around the country by using high-performance network connections. With a combination of resources, the TeraGrid is the world's largest, most comprehensive distributed cyberinfrastructure for open scientific research.

This year, TeraGrid held its 4th Annual TeraGrid Conference in Arlington, VA. For conference highlights, click here.

Polar Grid

Polar Grid

Polar Grid is a National Science Foundation MRI funded partnership of Indiana University and Elizabeth City State University to acquire and deploy the computing infrastructure needed to investigate the urgent problems in glacial melting. Polar Grid's major components and concept of operations are depicted in the figure below.



Matrix Laboratory, commonly reffered to as MATLab, is an interactive system used as a high performance language. The system is mainly used for technical computing.

Byrd Polar Research Center

Byrd Polar Research Center

The Byrd Polar Research Center (BPRC) is located on Ohio State University's campus and is recognized internationally as a leader in polar and alpine research. BPRC research programs are conducted throughout the world. Research at the Center focuses on the role of cold regions in the Earth's overall climate system, and encompasses geological sciences, geochemistry, glaciology, paleoclimatology, meteorology, remote sensing, ocean dynamics, and the history of polar exploration. The Center is named in honor of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, America's most famous polar explorer.

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