JINCHUN YUAN Associate Professor and Director of Research EDUCATION Ph.D. Marine Science, The University of Southern Mississippi, 2000 M.S. Oceanography, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1994 M.S. Geochemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 1987 B.S. Geochemistry, Peking University, 1983 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY TEACHING EXPERIENCE DISSERTATION AND THESIS COMMITTEE EXPERIENCE RESEARCH INTERESTS OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Peer reviewer for the editors of: HONORS AND AWARDS American Geophysical Union PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Yuan, J., Dagg, M., Namwamba, F., Lyles, L. Seasonal Variation of Sea Surface Chlorophyll a in the Gulf of Mexico, Journal of Marine System, (submitted) 2006. Yuan, J., Shiller, A.M. The distribution of hydrogen peroxide in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Vol. 6, Q09M02 DOI 10.1029/2004GC000908, 2005 . Yuan, J., Dagg, M., Del Castillo, C. In pixel variations of chl a fluorescence in Northern Gulf of Mexico and their implications for calibrating remotely sensed chl a and other products. Continental Shelf Research, 25, 1894-1904, 2005. Yuan, J., Miller, R., Powell, R., Dagg, M. Storm Induced Injection of the Mississippi River Plume Into the Open Gulf of Mexico. Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L09312, doi:10.1029/2003GL019335, 2004. Yuan, J., and Shiller, A. M. Hydrogen peroxide in deep waters of the North Pacific Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L01310, doi:1029/2003GL018439, 2004. Yuan, J. and Miller, R. Seasonal variation in precipitation patterns to the global ocean: an analysis of the GPCP version 2 data set. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Vol. 16, No. 4, doi:10.1029/2001GB001458, 2002. Yuan, J. and Shiller, A. M. The distribution of hydrogen peroxide in the southern and central Atlantic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II, Vol. 48: 2947-2970, 2001. Yuan, J. and Shiller, A. M. The variations of hydrogen peroxide in rain water over the South and Central Atlantic Ocean. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 34 No. 23: 3973-3980, 2000. Vink, S., Boyle, E. A., Measures, C. I., and Yuan, J. Automated high resolution determination of the trace elements iron and aluminum in the surface ocean using a towed fish coupled to flow injection analysis. Deep-Sea Research I, Vol. 47: 1141-1156, 2000. Yuan, J. and Shiller, A. M. Determination of subnanomolar level of hydrogen peroxide in seawater by reagent-injection chemiluminescence detection. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 71 No. 10: 1975-1980, 1999. Measures, C. I., Yuan, J., and Resing, J. A. Determination of iron in seawater by flow injection analysis using in-line preconcentration and spectrophotometric detection. Marine Chemistry, Vol. 50: 3-12, 1995. Yuan, J. Environmental information system: a review. (Chinese) Environmental Science, Vol. 8, No. 5: 75-79, 1987. Yuan, J. and Rao, J. Pollution source lifecycle and environmental pollution assessment. China Environmental Science, Vol. 7 No. 1: 72-75, 1987. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Yuan, J. The Distribution of hydrogen peroxide in seawater of the Central Atlantic Ocean and in river waters of southern Mississippi and Louisiana. Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Southern Mississippi, 2000. Yuan, J. Seawater iron anomaly at Loihi Seamount and Puna Ridge Hawaii by shipboard flow injection analysis. Master's thesis, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1994. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Yuan, J., Stubblefield, M, Namwamba, F., Dagg, M. Sea surface changes near the track of Hurricane Katrina: observations by LUMCON monitoring stations, NOAA/NDBC buoys, and NOAA/NOS tide stations. The 2006 Joint Assembly meeting, May 23-26, 2006, Baltimore, Maryland, 2006. Yuan, J., Dagg, M., Namwamba, F., Lyles, L. Seasonal Variation of Sea Surface Chlorophyll a in the Gulf of Mexico. 2005 Joint Assembly, New Orleans, 2005. Yuan, J., Dagg, M., Del Castillo, C. In pixel variations of chl a fluorescence in northern Gulf of Mexico and their implications for calibrating remotely sensed chl a and other products. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography and The Oceanography Society, Ocean Research Conference, Honolulu, 2004. Yuan, J., and Shiller, A. M. Hydrogen peroxide in deep waters of the North Pacific Ocean. American Geophysical Union, Ocean Science Meeting, Portland, 2004. Miller, R., Yuan, J., Powell, R., Dagg, M. Seasonal variation in sea surface Chlorophyll patterns of the northern Gulf of Mexico as determined by satellite remote sensing. American Geophysical Union, 2002 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2002. Yuan, J., Shiller, A. Marine photochemistry of hydrogen peroxide in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. American Geophysical Union, 2002 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2002. Miller, R., Hall, C., Del Castillo, C., Yuan, J., McKee, B., Dagg, M. Bio-optical properties of the Mississippi River plume and adjacent shelf. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Aquatic Science Meeting, Santa Fe, 2001. Yuan, J., Miller, R. Seasonal and decadal variation of precipitation to the world’s oceans. American Geophysical Union, 2000 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2000. Yuan, J. The distribution of hydrogen peroxide in seawater of Central Atlantic Ocean and in river waters of Southern Mississippi and Louisiana. Dissertations Symposium on Chemical Oceanography, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1999. Yuan, J., Shiller, A. M. The distribution of hydrogen peroxide in the Central Atlantic Ocean. American Geophysical Union and American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Ocean Science Meeting, San Diego, 1998. Yuan, J., Shiller, A. M., and W. M. Landing. Hydrogen peroxide in the Central Atlantic Ocean. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Aquatic Science Meeting, Santa Fe, 1997. Yuan, J., C. I. Measures and J. A. Resing. Rapid determination of iron in sea water: in-line preconcentration flow injection analysis with spectrophotometric detection, American Geophysical Union and American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Ocean Science Meeting, San Diego. 1994. REGIONAL CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Yuan, J., Dagg, M,, Namwamba F., and Lyles L. Seasonal and inter-annual variations of sea surface chlorophyll a on the Louisiana and Texas shelf and correlations to fluvial nitrate flux and hypoxia, Mississippi River Basin Nutrients Science Workshop, St. Louis, 2005. Yuan, J., Dagg, M,, Namwamba F., and Lyles L. Seasonal and inter-annual variations of surface water chl a in lake Pontchartrain and the Northern Gulf of Mexico: a review of six years of satellite remote sensing by SeaWiFS, Basics of the Basin Seventh Biennial Research Symposium, New Orleans, 2004. Yuan, J., Dagg, M,, Namwamba F., and Lyles L. Seasonal and inter-annual variations in surface water chl a patterns of the Gulf of Mexico: an analysis of first six years of SeaWiFS data, 20th Annual Louisiana Remote Sensing and GIS workshop, Lafayette, 2004. Yuan, J., Miller, R., Powell, R., and Dagg, M. Hurricane Lili induced injection of the Mississippi River Plume, 19th Annual Louisiana Remote Sensing and GIS workshop, Lafayette, 2003. Yuan, J., Miller, R., Powell, R., and Dagg, M. Injection of the Mississippi River plume by Hurricane Induced Eddies, NASA Earth Science Applications Directorate Earth Science Exhibition, NASA John C. Stennis Space Center, 2003. Yuan, J., and Shiller, A. M. Diel variation of hydrogen peroxide in the Mississippi and Pearl Rivers. Mississippi Academy of Science. Sixty-Third Annual Meeting, Tupelo, 1999. Yuan, J., and Shiller, A. M. The distribution of hydrogen peroxide in the Central Atlantic Ocean. Mississippi Academy of Science, Sixty-Second Annual Meeting, Biloxi, Mississippi, 1998. Yuan, J., and Shiller, A. M. Diel variation of hydrogen peroxide in the Mississippi and Pearl Rivers. Gulf Coast Geochemical Group Conference, LUMCON, Louisiana, 1998. Yuan, J., Shiller, A. M., and Landing W. M. Hydrogen peroxide in the Central Atlantic Ocean. Mississippi Academy of Science, Sixty-First Annual Meeting, Biloxi, 1997. Yuan, J., Measures C. I., and Wheat C. G. Tracing submarine volcanoes using seawater iron anomalies at Loihi Seamount and Puna Ridge Hawaii. Gulf Coast Geochemical Group Conference, LUMCON, Louisiana, 1996. Yuan, J., Measures C. I., and Wheat C. G. Tracing submarine volcanoes using seawater iron anomalies at Loihi Seamount and Puna Ridge Hawaii. Mississippi Academy of Science, Sixtieth Annual Meeting, Jackson, Mississippi, 1996. Yuan, J., Measures C. I. Sampling and analysis of dissolved iron. HOT Golden Anniversary Science Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1993. |