Eunice D. Smith

To obtain a position that will utilize skills in mathematics and computer science.


Master of Science in Mathematics, May 2006
Elizabeth City State University - Elizabeth City, North Carolina

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, May 2004
Elizabeth City State University - Elizabeth City, North Carolina
Magna Cum Laude, Honors Program

Advanced Studies Diploma, June 2000
I.C. Norcom High School - Portsmouth, Virginia

8/2004-5/2006 Elizabeth City State University - Elizabeth City, North Carolina
Teaching Assistant - Instructed College Algebra and Introduction to College Math courses for four semesters.
5/2005 to 7/2005 Elizabeth City State University, - Elizabeth City, North Carolina
URE-OMSS Intern - Assisted Lost Colony Research Team in conducting research using remote sensing to follow the migration of the Roanoke colonists.
5/9/2001 to 5/2003 Elizabeth City State University - Elizabeth City, North Carolina
Peer Tutor - Assisted college students in mathematics courses: College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Calculus I

5/2003 to 7/2003 NASA Glenn Research Center - Cleveland,Ohio
LERCIP Intern - Used software packages such as Matlab, FieldView and Mathematica to visualize data for various biological projects.

6/2002 to 8/2002 Purdue University - West Lafayette, Indiana
RISE Scholar - Altered and constructed web pages for the Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Program. Participated on a team project to build a thermoelectric cooling system.

5/2001 to 8/2001 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
SIST Intern - Expanded a Perl program to improve a web page for research experiments


HTML, Microsoft Office, Microsoft FrontPage, Mathematica, Matlab, Mac OS X, Windows 2000, Windows XP, UNIX

CONFERENCES (* - Presentation given)

International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2005 *
Seoul, Korea (7/2005)

8th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments*
Halifax, Novia Scotia Canada (5/2005)

7th Annual DoE EPSCor and LS-LAMP Student Research Conference*
New Orleans, Lousiana (11/2003)

Women of Color Awards - Nashville, Tennessee (9/2003)

Georgia Tech FOCUS 2003 - Atlanta, Georgia (1/2003)

Sigma Xi 2001Undergraduate Research Symposium * - Raleigh, North Carolina (11/2001)

11th Annual SOARS Conference, North Carolina Central University *
Durham, North Carolina (11/2001)

National Technical Association 73rd Annual Conference * - Atlanta, Georgia (9/2001)


Chancellor’s List
NASA Scholar
8/2000 to 5/2004 ONR/NASA Research Program


IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society

References available upon request