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2005 Geology Research Team | -2006 Geology Research Team | 2007 polar grid research team |
Morphologic and Ecological Changes in the History of the Chowan River Water Shed Brian Campbell, department of Geological Environmental and Marine Sciences, Elizabeth City State University.
This project, began in the fall of 2006, was designed to categorize the geomorphological, ecological, cultural setting indicative to settlements along the Chowan River in North Carolina. Historic maps ranging in date from the late 1600's to the present were gathered for review. From these maps approximations were made as to the locations of the regions major native settlements, and the significant changes to its boundaries in recent history. The distribution of recorded settlements was were seen to be related to the presence of marine scarp, the relict of a Paleozoic barrier island, that has since become the path for regional highway 32. This scarp marks an abrupt 8m rise in elevation within the otherwise low lying region of the North Carolina coastal plain. We were also able to site three significant changes to the shores of the Chowan river. In 1825 and 1760 in correspondences with the closing of the Roanoke and Currituck inlets and latest in 1950 due to the hurricane Irene. The initial survey of the site began in September of 2006 with a series of shovel test preformed within the boundaries of the Chowan River off the shore of the Chowan Beach housing community. Tests at a depth of 2 feet produced artifacts including: pottery, grommets, stone and bone tools and weapon points. It is our hypothesis is that using data collected from sites along with the area's morphologic history to estimate the time of habitation and categorize some occupational habits of the regions indigenous people.
EVOLUTION OF WORLDWIDE VISUALLY BASED REPRESENTATIONAL STANDARDS AND TECHNIQUES IN GEOLOGIC MAPPING AND FIELD METHODS SINCE 1817 Brian Allen Campbell, Elizabeth City State University, Department of Geologic, Environmental and Marine Sciences, Elizabeth City, NC, USA This study explores the evolution of geologic mapping standards and techniques. The hypothesis presented is that field data collection methods and mapping standards (colors, symbols) used for recording and representation of geologic data have not changed since the first standard set150 years ago. Geologic mapping literature since the inception of the first mapping standards in 1817 was collected. Maps (n=28) and field journals (n=16) were obtained from personal collections held at Elizabeth City State University . Qualitative data analysis consisted of four parts: 1) side by side visual comparisons of maps, 2) written field methods review, 3) emerging technologies infusion, 4) counting emerging geologic disciplines. Results of data analysis indicate: 1) standards governing geological mapping products have remained constant (28/28,100%) the past 150 years, except for color scheme variation and new geologic symbols, 2) geological mapping field techniques have remained consistent since mapping standardization except for introduction technically based tools and procedures, 3) introduction of emerging technologies have allowed for long range mapping and monitoring of remote areas and landforms, 4) new fields of study, i.e., planetary geology, GIS imaging, have emerged in association with advancing technologies. As a result of this consistency in method and product, a comprehensive world wide approach to geology has emerged with a dynamic system of standards that allow adaptations of emerging technologies in current and new fields. Recommendations for further study include: classifying field mapping techniques from cultural regions prior to 1817, examination of terrestrial mapping standards on Earth and mapping planetary geology mapping
Locating Geologic References Within the Oral Traditions of Indian Tribes of the Pacific Northwest Brian Campbell department of Geological Environmental and Marine Sciences Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth city, NC USA
Verona Beckett department of language literature and communications Elizabeth City State University Elizabeth city, NC USA
Jessica Brackett department of sociology Elizabeth City State University Elizabeth city, NC USA
The oral histories of tribal culture were for many years the only way a way of education and record keeping for the emerging cultures. In hopes of preserving the knowledge held within these dying mythologies, this study examines the degree of observational geologic information that can be extracted from the oral histories of the Indian cultures historically based out of the Pacific Northwest. Oral histories were collected from printed and electronic sources. Accumulated histories were analyzed to identify the amount and usefulness of qualitative data each contained. The analysis found that the depiction of natural occurrences through the actions of the supernatural entities showed an understanding of the more visible geologic processes; however the more complex geologic theories were shrouded in the superstitions of the culture. Though, the myth examined contained little data on the acting forces within nature, the descriptions of events showed aptitude for observation and an understanding of the elementary geologic concepts. PROFILING WOMEN IN TERRORISM Frances Lynn Saunders and Brian Campbell, Elizabeth City State University, Department of Geologic environ mental and marine sciences The involvement of women in terrorism has increased in recent history for their involvement has created new difficulties concerning the development of profiles by which to screen possible suspects. These difficulties arise from the women's ability to disguise their origins and the added ability to conceal bombs within personal belongings. The purpose of this study is to provide an in-depth look into the motives and methods related to recent terrorist attacks perpetrated by female assailants, and to give some perspective as to the unpredictable nature of terrorism as a whole. Recent articles relating to these terrorist acts were found via the internet on major news sites and archived periodicals. Interviews were conducted with professionals and colleagues regarding the psychological stability of these female attackers. The diversity of the subject's background makes it impossible to attribute a single profile to the women involved in these attacks. Terrorism is a complex problem in which the world as a whole is at risk for any type of attack from any section of the populace. To counter the problem effectively it is necessary to view the world from eyes outside its culture setting aside stereotypes and traditional misconceptions.
LiDaR Applications to Tectonic Geomorphology:
A New Look at the 1857 Earthquake Offset Along the San Andreas Fault in the Carrizo Plain, California Brian Campbell, Elizabeth City State University Department of geological environmental and marine sciences, Elizabeth City, NC USA
DR. J Ramon Arrowsmith, Arizona State University, Active Tectonics, Quantitative Structural Geology and Geomorphology, Tempe AZ, USA
Light detection and ranging (LiDaR) has emerged as one of the most promising new tools for the geosciences, with applications ranging from the environmental sciences to planetary geology. The “B4” LiDaR data set, used in this study was recorded last year by aircraft mounted laser scanner. The LiDaR point cloud covers three hundred square kilometers of the southern San Andreas and consists of over ten billion X, Y and Z coordinate sets. Data sets of this size are not easily processed. We have been working in cooperation with the San Diego Supercomputing Center (SDSC) and www.geongrid.org to establish and test access protocol and processing methods with the existing infrastructure we are able to select and process LiDaR data sets as large as 800,000 points covering up to 250,000 m2. Our study serves as a test of the accessibility and versatility of this new technology, specifically its applications in tectonic geomorphology and paleoseismology. We focus on a well documented section of the San Andreas Fault which last ruptured in 1857. We began by measuring and photographing geomorphic offsets, first documented by Dr. Kerry Sieh in 1978, from Wallace Creek to the SE end of the Carrizo plain. These offsets were then identified and measured within the LiDaR grid data using Arcmap. The offset measurements taken from the LiDaR data were similar to those taken in the field; however they were more easily made and numerous other features were identified to further characterize the 1857 offset in the Carrizo plain |