Science Gateways Institute NSF NIA CERSER ECSU

GCE: The 9th Gateway Computing Environments Workshop
In conjunction with the Supercomputing 2014
November 21, 2014

PosterThe Science Gateway Institute hosted a half-day workshop at the Supercomputing 2014 (SC14) conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. It provides a means of exchanging ideas, building from the experiences of others and reducing the “time to science.” It featured case studies and opportunities to share common experiences.

The objective of this workshop was to provide a setting for researchers to present groundbreaking, peer-reviewed work on all areas related to gateways. It included an interactive forum, lightning talks, posters, and opportunities to share common experiences. Sharing knowledge about common tasks can allow gateway developers to focus on higher-level, challenging functionality within their specialty areas.

The main speaker was Charlie Catlett, director of the Urban Center for Computation and Data (UrbanCCD) at the Computation Institute of the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory. The Center brings scientists from mathematics and computing together with social, behavioral, economic, policy, education, and health scientists to support research in urban sciences.
