Science Gateways Institute NSF NIA CERSER ECSU
SGW-ISponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Science Gateway Institute (SGW-I) entails several components.

The Institute offers an incubator service, including a complete development environment and hosting service, consulting, documentation and software recommendations.

A gateway extended support team builds gateways for research teams, transferring knowledge by teaching these teams what it takes to build, enhance, and operate gateways in the process.

The gateway forum is a gathering place for scientific web developers across NSF, across agencies, and across international boundaries.

The gateway framework is a modular, layered approach that supports community contributions and allows developers to pick and choose the components they need, from job submission and security modules to an entire end-to-end solution.

GCE 2014


Who Cares About Science Gateways?
A Large-Scale Survey of Community Use and Needs (PDF)

GCE 2014