Three-Dimensional Battlefield Simulation of Realtime
Researcher: Donald Charity
Mentor: Mr. Rob King, ONR-NRL
With the recent Kosovo crisis, the project assigned for research was a Three-
Dimensional battlefield simulation of realtime Kosovo. This project, when
completed, will be used for demonstrations at NRL's Virtual Reality Lab. The
tools used to complete this project was MultiGen II, a realtime 3D modeling
software used to generate a terrain, ARC Digitized Raster Graphics, sattilite
collected images of the Kosovo terrain, DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data
on CD-ROM, along with several other application programs used to generate the
desired terrain for viewing. Inside MultiGen II, the three types of generation
methods used were Delaunay database (TIN) Triangular Irregular Network, the
Polymesh database and CAT (Contiuous Adaptive Terrain). This type of terrain
generation focuses on the LOD (Level of Detail) problems generated by the
Polymesh and the Delaunay database. Each terrain generator has its own GUI
(Graphical User Interface) controls which allows the user to choose how the final
terrain should look. The purpose of the research was to figure our which terrain
will best suit areas of interest by the military. Also to give data feedback in
accurate elevation and viewpoints and to give excellent demos
to visiting officals and other researchers in the area. Then also to support virtual reality
strategic planning.
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