For three years, I have been a member of the Office of Naval Research Scholarship Program, directed by Dr. Linda Hayden. During the first year, I conducted research on the Computer Visualization team, where we studied three NASA datasets from Goddard Space Flight Center. My research was conducted under the mentorship of Dr. Kossi Edoh. While conducting this experiment, we collected data, recorded measurements and calculations in the form of raw data and translated the data into a form that could be read by the IRSS spreadsheet. For the past two years, I have been on the Physics team where we are studying the motion of a harmonic oscillator under the influence of a sequence of delta function type of forces and under the derivative of a function under the instructio of Dr. L. Choudhury. We use mathematical equations to study a delta force under different types of forces acting upon it in set intervals. I am also currently in the Ronald E. McNair Program. Both research programs are geared toward undergraduate students in the areas of Science and Math, who are aspiring to their graduate studies. After graduation, I have plans to pursue a Master's Degree. Even though I have conducted research at school, I have also completed an internship at the Naval Research Laboratory's Virtual Reality Lab, in Washington, D.C., during the summer of 1998. Under the instruction of Dr. Simon Julier, I have programmed in C++ with a new software called Bamboo. I was also the recipient of the Goddard-Howard Fellowship in Atmosheric Science. This fellowship was for juniors who anticipate pursuing a Master's Degree in Engineering and Computer Science and also intern at Howard University. It has also allowed me to continue my research during the course of my senior year. In this program, I have conducted research in Atmospheric Science. Under the instruction of Dr. Everette Joseph, I studied the greenhouse effect in relation to cirrus cloud properties. I will be attending Howard University to pursure a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering.