Kuchumbi Hayden

5629 Hornaday Rd. Apt H
Greensboro, NC 27909


Homepage: http://nia.ecsu.edu/sp/khayden/ascii.html


To pursue productive employment as a professional computer scientist, with a concentration in system administration after completion of a Master's Degree in Computer Science.


M.S. Degree in Computer Science
Third Semester with 2.9 Cumulative G.P.A.
Expected Date for Graduation in December, 2001
North Carolina A&T, Greensboro, NC

B.S. Degree in Computer Science
3.1 Cumulative G.P.A. & 3.6 G.P.A in major courses
Date of Graduation May, 1999
Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth City, NC

COMPUTER LANGUAGES:  C, C++, HTML, Fortan90, Ada, Pascal


HARDWARE: Silicon Graphics (O2 and INDY), SunSPARC, Macintosh, PC's


Aldus PageMaker, SunOS, Persuasion, Adobe PhotoShop, Works, Visual Basic, MS Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access), Lotus 123, Showcase, Bitstream MakeUP, WordPerfect, Netscape, and Mosaic.


August 1994 – May 1996         Student Researcher
Assisting students in operating computer equipment. Research involved maintaining the integrity of the ECSU Undergraduate Research server (umfort) as a part of the System Administration Team.

May 1997 - July 1997         Ronald E. McNair Scholar Student Mentor
Assisted students in operating the lab computer equipment, HTML/JAVA Workshop, assisted the Computer Science Research Team and created the 1997 Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program at ECSU Webpage (http://nia.ecsu.edu/McNair/summer97/McNair_97.html)

June 1997 - May 1999         Office of Naval Research (ONR) & NASA Network Resources Training Site (NRTS) Webmaster
In charge of maintaining the ONR & NRTS homepage for Undergraduate Research, and assisting students researcher’s in HTML/JAVA development. My reports included the number of webpage hits and storage capabilities and projection of future storage needs. (http://nia.ecsu.edu/onr/onr.html) & (http://nia.ecsu.edu/nrts/nrts.html)

May 1998 - July 1998         Ronald E. McNair Scholar
Research topic was "A Comparison of Apache and NCSA Models to Establish the ECSU Sun17 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Server." (Computer Science Research Team)

June 1999 - July 1999         Norfolk State University REESS
Configured and networked five(5) 02 SGI machines along with setting up user accounts and configured two printers to the LAN. Along with ftp'ing SAGE II 1985-1990 Satellite data from NASA Langley databank to be used to study El Nino and La Nina events during that time span.

July 1999 - August 1999  General Accounting Office
Installed LINUX 6.0 on ten(10) PC machines, upgraded several Linux 5.2 machines to 6.0, downloaded and installed numerous security packages on those machines, trouble shouted user problems and mishaps.

May 2000 - July 2000 KomNet Solutions

Assisted in contracting job to implement a packet filtering SunScreen Firewall on a Sun7.0 OS.  The position included developing the policy statement, firewall architecture, implementation plan, firewall's resiliency, and a submitted a report on the project details.


North Carolina A&T Graduate Research Assistant, Office of Naval Research, NASA and Ronald E. McNair Research Scholar, Presented Research Projects at the following conferences: NAFEO (National Association for Equal Opportunity), NAAAS (National Association for African-American Studies), SOARS (Seizing Opportunities for Advancing Research Scholars), NASA - MU-SPIN(Minority University-Space Interdisciplinary Network)


Math and Computer Science, IEEE, Viking ACM, Leadership Academy, NAACP, Big Buddy Program, Vikings Assisting New Student, Numerous volunteer programs, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. and International Affairs Club Member.