Computer Visualization Team

Team Mentor: Dr. K. Edoh

Team Members

Felica Bowser, Senior Computer Science/Major
LaVerne Williams, Junior/Computer Science and Math Major


CV-The focus of the computer visualization research is use of data explorer visualization software running on a silicone graphics workstation. Students run visualizations on NASA and chemistry data sets. Visiting Lecture will be presented by Sharon Ramsey, visualization specialist from Alcoa Aluminum Co. Review of the literature will include chapters from Animation and Scientific Visualization: Tools & Applications, Edited by R A Earnshaw and D. Watson, Academic Press, 1993. ISBN 0-12-227745-7. References will also include Communications of the ACM Dec'94, vol. 37, no 12 p 29-102.

Dr. Edoh and Tanisha Cowell are working the data explorer software.

The visualization team is watching as Dr. Edoh shows them how to manipulate data with the data explorer software.