Earth System Science Academy
May 19-20, 2000
"The Earth Science Enterprise is NASA's contribution to developing a vastly improved understanding of the Earth. The unique vantage point of space provides information about the Earth's air, land, water, and life and their interactions not available using any other means. To effectively and efficiently contribute to Earth System Science Education, one focus of the Earth Science Enterprise is to train the next generation of scientists to use an interdisciplinary approach..."

The program focuses on water related issues and integrates environmental topics into hands-on learning activities that can be used in social studies, science, mathematics and language arts classes. topics include stormwater runoff, erosion and sedimentation, household pollutants, taking environmental action through letter writing, nutrient enrichment, water quality monitoring of local watersheds, limnological testing, studying water and waste treatment facilities, studying a stream from its headwater to mouth, groundwater, wetlands, acidity/acid precipitation and integrating computer technology.
Friday, May 19, 2000 116 Lester Hall
(Focus: The Great Dismal Swamp)
12:00-2:00 Opening Luncheon in 116 Lester Hall
Indroductions and Overview(Dr. Linda Hayden)
The Great Dismal Swamp Project(Dr. Maurice Powers)
Local Waterways(Mr. Bret Van Nieuwenhuise)
2:00-5:30 The Great Dismal Swamp Boardwalk Tour(Dr. Maurice Powers)
5:30-7:00 Dinner Meeting
Undergraduate Researcher Reports
Computer Mapping and GIS Workshop(Dr. William Porter)
Elizabeth City Middle School Solar Garden(Mrs. Wanda Hathaway)
Saturday, May 20, 2000 116 Lester Hall
(Focus: Local Waterways)
8:00-12:00pm Orientation to the streams(Mr. Frederice Wilson and Mr. Tim Julian)
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-3:00 Streams Continued(Mr. Frederic Wilson and Mr. Tim Julian)
2001 Earth System Science Academy
June 14-15, 2001
Related Links

Visit ECSU's Great Dismal Swamp Boardwalk Project
Visit ECSU's Geology Department
Huntingdon Area Middle School News
Huntingdon Area Middle School Awards
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