- 1965 Benel's Fashions- salesgirl part time
- 1966 Time Stores- sales part time
- 1967-1970 Howard Johnson's Restaurant- waitress
- 1970 Bank of Babylon- clerk mail dept.
- 1971- Red Coach- waitress
- 1972-73 Hollywood Schools, Saluda South Carolina/3rd grade/
school closed down
- 1973-1976 Lexington School District #4, Swansea, SC -Art
Director K-12/move to North Carolina
- 1976-77 St. Catherine's School, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
-5th and 6th/school closed down
- 1977-78 Swain Elementary School, Edenton- Chowan Schools, NC-
Art Teacher
- 1978-79 Chowan Middle and White Oak Elementary, Edenton Chowan
Schools, NC-Art
- 1979 Summer Holmes High School, Edenton- Chowan Schools- Math
- 1979-85 Swain Elementary, Edenton- Chowan Schools, NC -5th or
6th grade
- 1986-87 Pasquotank Elementary, Elizabeth City, NC- 5th grade
- 1987-88 White Oak Elementary, Edenton- Chowan Schools, NC- 5th
- 1988-90 Chowan Middle School, Edenton-Chowan Schools-6th grade
Reading/Social Studies
- 1989 After School Care Program at White Oak Elementary
- 1991-1998 Chowan Middle School 7th grade Social Studies 1996
add Lang. Arts & Computers