Anne Chestnutt School
Satellite Imagery Program
The Kaleidoscope of Numbers in Satellite Infrared Imagery

Brief description of the session:
Activities using satellite imagery to analyze and understand positive and negatives integer while encouraging students to solve problems instead of just following procedures.

Focus of the National Standards:
Science Content Standards

Summary of Proposal:
My session will address the Science Content Standards by demonstrating and show the resulting student projects of several activities teaching positive and negative integers while using the electronic tool of satellite imagery.

Session Abstract:
NASA's Earth Observing System PM Project Educational Outreach Program, at Goddard Space Flight Center is providing the technology to distribute digital satellite imagery data from NASA and NOAA directly into participating schools. Our science curriculum uses this data to provide extensive opportunities for building deductive reasoning. Our students post-process and enhance raw satellite images that air weather service experts use. Concurrently, we capitalize on this ability to study positive and negative integers when observing temperatures and corresponding cloud heights. Another activity involves setting a point on a map and determining how the positive and negative numbers distinguish locations of latitute and longitude. Our students learn by doing, get involved and become part of the projects. They learn to ask questions and critique solutions. Posters tell what NASA is doing, but that is not as good as doing it yourself. A laptop computer will be used to demonstrate the satellite imagery program and show some of the resulting student projects. Handouts will be provided detailing lessons and projects.
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