Microcomputer Applications Training

Microcomputer Applications

DataBase and Reports

Creating fields; Entering information; Switching from one view to another; Moving through a database; Adding or renaming fields; Inserting a record; Copying Database information; Designing forms; Sorting.

Wordperfect 6.0 Introduction & Intermediate

Creating Documents; Editing Documents; Selecting Text; Cut, Copy, Paste; Creating a memo; Formatting a Document; More Formatting; Using Tab and indent; Getting Help; Moving Through a Document; Speller/Thesaurus; Find & Replace; Headers & Footers; Tables; Styles; Layout; Table of Contents;

Wordperfect 6.0 Advanced

Columns; Desktop Publishing; Graphics Lines and Borders; Graphics; Text Boxes


Moving Through a Spreadsheet; Labeling; Entering Information into Cells; Entering and Formatting Numbers & Date/Time; Creating & Entering Formulas; Using References, Operators & Functions in a Formula; Sorting cell contents in alphabetical or numerical order

Pagemaker Introduction

Working With PageMaker Desktop Publishing; Expediting the Placement of Text On the Page; Improving the Appearance Of Text On the Page; Adding Graphics to Maximize Publication Effectiveness.

Pagemaker Advanced

Placing Text Using Master pages, Templates, and Style Sheets; Creating Grids, Style Sheets and Master Pages; Design Concepts; Story Editor.

Scanning Techniques

Learn to use the scanner to change photos and graphics into digital images that can be included in your documents.

Electronic Presentations

This class will cover how to use electronic presentation packages such as PowerPoint, Claris Works. and/or Persausion to create electronic slideshows and handouts for use in oral presentations.

Workshop can be from 1 to 2 hours in length by varying the amount of hands on time allocated to participants.

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