Internet and WWW Training

Internet and WWW Training

Basic HTML Tutorial: Hands On Workshop is designed to give an introduction to the language used to create homepages on the World Wide Web. Participants will create their Own web page during the workshop. No previous knowledge of HTML is assumed.

Advanced HTML: Hands On tutorial teaching more advanced features of authoring web pages, such as frames and tables, forms and scripts, additions to the body tag and font size. A prerequisite is some familiarity with HTML, or having previously attended the Basic HTML Tutorial.

Working with Webpage Graphics: One of the most popular features of the WWW is the ability to present information in a graphical format through the use of images embedded within individual pages. Participants in this class will develop an understanding of several different types of image formats commonly used on the Internet or within documents created with a word processor including GIF, JPG, and TIFF images. This knowledge will then be used to edit several images for inclusion into an HTML or word processor document.

Animation and Sound on the Web: The introductory workshop covers the incorporation of Animated GiF89a images and sound files in your webpage designs. Effective use of animation and sound files will be discussed and information on where to find them. The advanced workshop covers techniques for building your own animated GIF files using the freeware GIFBUILDER software.

Introduction to the Internet: This workshop covers Internet fundamentals and concepts. The uses of FTP and Archie to find information and then download it to your computer will be explained. Using Telnet to connect to networks all over the world, Usenet News to join newsgroups, and E-mail to communicate with colleagues across the world electronically is also covered.

HOT Internet Sites for Educators: Workshop offers the opportunity to visit the hottest internet sites for education. Includes premier sites for finding Internet projects to integrate into your curriculum. Sites cover a wide range of subject areas (Ideal for secondary school educators and parents)

WWW Search Engines: Search Engines on the Web; Searching and Browsing; Indexes and Indexing; How search Engines differ; Web directories of Resources, A Gopher Search Engine; Common problems of searching on the Internet; AND OR NOT Queries; Combining Boolean Queries; Truncation, Beyond Boolean.

Installing and Configuring Internet Applications (Netscape & Eudora): Before anyone can use Netscape to "surf" the Web, someone has to get the software, install it on the individual desktop computer, and configure it to work properly in that location. This process must occur each time a new version of the software is released. This class will address these issues, with the goal of training users to download, install, and configure Netscape and Eudora for Macintosh computers.

Homepage Design for Educators: A look at sample homepages for secondary schools featuring the school mission, staff, song, activities, programs, etc. Planning for your school's homepage.

Workshop can be from 1 to 2 hours in length by varying the amount of hands on time allocated to participants.

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