Appreciation Breakfast Held by Hailfax County Schools
Halifax County Schools held a breakfast for the Halifax County Schools and
Elizabeth City State University Partnership for Technology on September 24, 1998.
The breakfast was held to show appreciation to Dr. Linda Hayden and her team for
services and donations to Halifax County Schools. It was held at Halifax County
Schools Central office.
Through the partnership the NRTS provides technical assistance and serves as a
refurbisher of computer equipment donated through the computers from learning
program. Each of the 15 schools also received $600 in mini-grants, totaling
Principals and on representative from each of the schools attended the meeting.
Three of the principals gave success stories and expressed appreciation for the
program. Those principals were Ronald Hayste from Dawson Elementary, Elease
Frederick from Bakers Elementary and William Solomon from Pittman Elementary.
Dr. Linda Hayden, Principal Investigator of the NASA Network Resources and
Training Site, gave an overview of their partnership with NASA and Goddard Space
Flight Center. She gave handouts about upcoming workshops and activities for
teachers and students. Each principal was then presented with a NASA-NRTS clock.
Dr. Hayden presented Dr. Willie Gilchrist, superintendent, with a check for the
$9,000, In return, Dr. Gilchrist presented Dr. Hayden with a plaque in
appreciation of the services for Halifax County.
Those in attendance from Elizabeth City State University were Dr. Linda Hayden.
Barbara King, Joal Hathaway, and Marie Koltuniak. In addition, Dr. James McLean
and a representative from the ECSU Admissions Office was in attendence also.