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IEEE ECSU Student Branch #66221

Dr. Lloyd Mitchell

On February 12, 2008, the first meeting of the IEEE Elizabeth City State University Student Branch #66221 was held in room 229 of Dixon Hall. The branch was officially formed October 9, 2007. The IEEE commemorating certificate can be found here and the welcome letter here.

The group elected officers (listed below) and heard from their first lecturer Dr. Lloyd Mitchell on the study of ice cracks titled "Applications and Utilization of the Ice Crack Classification System in an Era of Global Climate Change." His presentation can be found here in PowerPoint format.



IEEE ECSU Student Branch Officers

Branch Officers

President - Je'aime Powell

Vice President - Tiwana Walton

Secretary - Wanda-Marie Carey

Treasurer - Lee Smalls, Jr.

Branch Advisor - Dr. Malcolm LeCompte

Student researcher, Kaiem Frink, also gave a presentation on the scientific skills he attained while in the Center of Excellence in Remote Sensing Education and Research (CERSER) Program and the various experiences such as internships, conferences, and workshops he had attended and conducted.


  IEEE-GRSS Eastern NC Chapter IEEE Eastern NC Section IEEE GRSS ECSU NIA