Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program



  June 25, 1999

Tour of Wake Forest University

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Wake Forest University's Bowman Gray Medical Center & Baptist Hospital

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Wake Forest University

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McNair Scholars & Director

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Tour Guides: Johnny Thompson
& Christian Abbott 


Pathology Department

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Beth Shepherd

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Beth Shepherd & Scholars examine
organs under the microscope.

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Beth Shepherd showing the
Scholars pictures of organs.


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Trasca Williams, LeVar Mizelle,
Jacquetta Rosemond, and
Waquita Lane waiting further



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Certified Embalmer

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Embalmer describing his job
in the morgue.

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A corpse being prepared for
an autopsy.



Hypertion/Vascular Disease Lab

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Dr. Debra Diz & Summer

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Summer Intern


Medical Technology Department

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Mrs. Candy Culton showing
Scholars one of her numerous roles
as the Director of the Medical
Technology department.

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Mrs. Candy Culton showing
Scholars organs that has been

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McNairs scholars learning how
rats and human are alike.


Guest Speakers

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Dr. Richard Carmichael    

Math/Computer Science

Wake Forest University
Graduate Program

Dr. Clifford Zeyl

Biology Department

Wake Forest University
Graduate Program

McNair Scholars


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